Many high-performance companies strive for long-term #sustainable business. They implement programs designed for continuous improvement and #innovation. The most successful companies consciously and purposefully work on the development of their organizational culture.
In general, organizational culture is the way to behave within the organization. It consists of shared #beliefs and #values established by the organization and communicated and lived through its people.
The organizational culture is #unique to each company. You can find it in the company's services and products, how it approaches you and the community, and how it communicates and acts. You can experience it through the #customer #journey.

Shaping organizational culture is a daily job for all individuals working in the organization. Leaders must lead the way and walk the talk. That's fundamental. Shaping a healthy culture is not about reinforcing the rules, processes and promoting values. It's primary about #living the #values, acting in line with values and beliefs, and creating an environment where people can thrive.
Healthy cultures integrate diversity and create opportunities for people's development and growth.
Organization leaders and people shape the organizational culture. Company leaders can #influence the culture in many ways. #encourage, and #empower people, integrate company values in all company activities, #drive #performance, #adhere to a code of #ethics, create #equal opportunities.
Yes, you can challenge the status quo in a healthy culture.
Every leadership decision impacts organizational culture. People are the #essential elements of the culture. It is critical to creating an environment where #people can #meet, #work #together, share ideas #freely, and #challenge the status quo. It is challenging to create value in an environment where talented individuals can't challenge the status quo or share ideas because of too strict or very conservative leadership.

Top Talents gravitate to healthy organizational cultures.
Following our research in the CEE region, companies cultivating their culture and creating opportunities where Talents can thrive and grow are #magnets for top Talents. These companies are reporting a high number of high skilled people proactively interested in joining them.
What these companies do differently?
Leaders #walk #the #talk. They create #growth #opportunities for its people. Allow people to express their ideas #freely. Do not tie the organization with a robust organizational structure. They create more flexible organizational structures. Do not over-process. Allow its leaders to #lead #by #example. Involve people in #decision_making.
How to shape it?
It always starts at the top. Following our research data, these successful company leaders lead by example. Promote the vision, mission, and goals of the company to its people. They #go #beyond promoting values; they #embed the #values in all company activities. They #cultivate #people how to work in line with company values. They develop and grow people.
Building and developing an organizational culture is a complex and ongoing process.
It is not enough to declare the company's values, for example, in an internal magazine, or to have them posted on the walls. They must become an integral part of the organization.