MENITY joins the Cybersecurity Challenges Digital Event.

We're excited to discuss key topics on Cybersecurity Challenges: Public Administration, Healthcare, and the Private Sector with interesting guests such as
Gabriel GALGÓCI, President, AmCham Slovakia
Violeta LUCA, General Manager, Microsoft Czech and Slovak Republic
Pavol ADAMEC, Executive Director, KPMG in Slovakia
KEYNOTE SPEACH “EU Cybersecurity Policy Trends and its Constant Balance with Digital Sovereignty”
Florian PENNINGS, Director GA, Cybersecurity, Microsoft
PUBLIC SECTOR AS A REGULATOR AND TRENDSETTER - Introduction to the topic in terms of regulation, goals, challenges, achievements, and future steps.
Ferdinand VAVRÍK, Director of the government unit, CSIRT.SK
PRIVATE SECTOR AS A CUSTOMER AND INNOVATOR - Introduction to the topic from the point of view of customers of regulation, experience with cyber-attacks, solutions and cooperation.
Miriam LAPUNÍKOVÁ, director, FNsP F.D. Roosevelta Banská Bystrica
Ondrej KUBOVIC, Security Awareness Specialist, ESET
HOW CAN EDUCATION AND EDUCATION HELP? Cooperation, education, and sharing of experience is the way to strengthen our security.
Marek ZEMAN, Head of Security, Tatra Banka
Credits: American Chamber of Commerce, Slovakia